1960 Born Kilkenny.
1983 Graduated with Hons. from UCD School of Architecture.
Received Monbusho Scholarship to study Architecture in Japan.
Worked for 8 years with leading Architect Arata Isozaki in his Tokyo and New York Offices.
Projects included the Guggenheim Soho (NYC), the Brooklyn Museum (NYC) and the MK Country Club (Tokyo).
1994 Returned to live in Ireland.
1995 Founded own practice in The Burren, Co. Clare.
1995 MRIAI (Member of the Royal Institute of Architects Ireland)
2020 FRIAI (Elected Fellow of the Royal Institute of Architects Ireland).
The work of this practice largely comprises individual private homes and public buildings in Clare, Galway and Limerick.
I am a Registered Architect who provides all Architectural Services from the beginning of a project through to completion /certification / handover.
My focus is on the design and build of first quality projects for varied Clients on varied sites.
I work with tried and tested consultants as required by particular project needs - Engineers, Ecologists, Hydrologists, Fire Consultants, Safety Consultants, etc.
I have a very good relationship with Builders and work so that the entire process, from beginning to end, is an enjoyable one for all concerned.
All Clients for whom I have completed a project have been more than happy with the results. Many of them will enjoy the result - their home - for the rest of their lives.